Welcome New Citizens!

Hello my new citizens, and thanks for joining the Mrazon Republic. You people are what keep us going! So, before you turn away and look at another page on the web, get your badge of Mrazonnia and proudly declare that you are a Mrazonnian!

Sunday 30 September 2007

Citizens - Leave this page for the newcomers...

My citizens, whether you are new, or have been long with us, you need not visit this place again. The massive influx of new immigrants to us means that this site is devoted to them. Now that you have joined, you should visit the Mrazon Republic's main page and there you will find the true facts about your new land. So, visit the central hub, and discover the true power of your new country!

Thursday 5 July 2007

Citizens: Visit the Archives

After joining, there is only one place you can go to find out more about your new land. Yes, the United Kingdom likes to keep us in the shadows. But I say no! We must build our strengths, and protect our weaknesses. We have to build our knowledge. And the source for all things Mrazon is the Home of the Mrazon Republic.

Welcome, New People!

Hello! I am Lord Mrazon, your new leader! You people are what makes this country work. You keep us going forwards, and I thank you. You have just joined the greatest country in the World, because great doesn't mean size. Great comes from the people!